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Defending the Defenceless - Fight Child Abuse

Join us in our mission to empower and support abused  children. Educating communities and supporting families.  Together, we can make a difference in their lives and create a brighter future for all. No child should ever feel alone. Experts estimate 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience sexual abuse; 95% of those children know their perpetrator. 95% of cases go unreported.

Defending the Defenceless!

The term 'child abuse and neglect' includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to a child or young person's health development or dignity. It is highly unlikely that an affected person will tell you that they are being abused. So as difficult as it is, we should all do our best at recognising and responding to the signs and possible symptoms of child abuse.

Below is an article for those who are interested in learning how to spot the signs of child abuse and make a difference.

Types and Signs of Abuse

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is any harm to a child caused by the action, or lack of action, of the child’s caregiver. Injuries may or may not include physical evidence such as bruising, welts, cuts, fractures, burns or internal injuries. Physical abuse can occur as an isolated incident or continue over a period of time. Signs of physical abuse include: *Various injuries over a period of time *Injuries inconsistent with the child’s age *Multiple injuries in various stages of healing *Child cannot recall how injuries occurred *Offers an inconsistent explanation *Wary of adults *May flinch if touched unexpectedly *Extremely aggressive *Extremely withdrawn *Indiscriminately seeks affection *Emotional Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is any sexual exploitation of a child by an older person. The Criminal Code of Canada identifies a number of types of sexual abuse, including: *Invitation to sexual touching *Sexual exploitation *Procuring sexual activity from a child *Caregiver permitting sexual activity *Exposing genitals to a child *Incest *Exposing to or engaging in pornography Signs of sexual abuse include: *Age-inappropriate play with toys, self or others *Unusual or excessive itching in the genital or anal area *Injuries to the genital or anal areas, e.g. bruising, swelling or infection *Displaying explicit sexual acts *Torn, stained or bloody underwear *Age-inappropriate sexually explicit drawing or descriptions *Bizarre, sophisticated or unusual sexual knowledge *Prostitution *Seductive behaviour

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse includes acts that result in the lack of a nurturing environment for a child. It occurs when the caregiver treats the child in such a negative way that the child’s concept of “self” is seriously impaired. Emotional abuse can be the most difficult to identify and prove. Emotionally abusive behaviour by the caregiver can include: *constant yelling *demeaning remarks *rejecting, ignoring or isolating the child *terrorizing the child Signs of emotional abuse can include: *Severe depression *Extreme withdrawal *Extreme aggression *Extreme attention seeking *Extreme inhibition *Bed wetting that is non-medical in origin *Frequent psychosomatic complaints (headaches, nausea, abdominal pains) *Failure to thrive


Neglect often results from the lack of knowledge about appropriate care for children or an inability to plan appropriately for the child’s needs. Neglect can occur because of caregiver’s diminished capacity to care for a child. Neglect includes a caregiver failing to provide: *adequate food and shelter safety *medical or psychological treatment *supervision *adequate sleep *clothing Signs of neglect include: *Poor hygiene *Unattended physical problems or medical needs *Lack of supervision *Frequent absence from school *Engaged in delinquent acts or alcohol/drug abuse *Frequently arriving at school without a lunch *Consistently inappropriate clothing for the weather *Consistently dirty clothes

Child Sex Trafficking

Child sex trafficking is child abuse. It is inhumane and illegal. Child sex trafficking is the act of luring, coercing, forcing, or manipulating a child under the age of 18 into sexual activity either through online or in-person contact with or without the apparent consent of the youth in exchange for basic needs, drugs and/or alcohol, or financial gain on the part of the perpetrator. Youth involved in child sex trafficking may be coerced into trafficking themselves, coerced into trafficking others, or both. Signs of involvement with child sex trafficking can include but are not limited to: *Missing from home or school for extended periods of time and/or on multiple occasions *Has new items without apparent means to pay for them *Having new older friends/boyfriend that they are reluctant for others to meet *Having a significant change in appearance – ex. hair, clothing *Having more than one cell phone/cell number is always changing *Having tattoos or branding symbols, particularly names *Using language involved in sex trafficking e.g. ‘the game,’ ‘bottom bitch’ *Having hotel keys in their possession/frequenting hotels *Withdrawing from friends and family, and other typical activities previously enjoyed (e.g. sports, religious, spiritual) *Not having control of their own money or alternatively having excess amounts of cash *Increasing use of drug and/or alcohol and no apparent means to pay for them *Sexualized photos or videos on social media, or having multiple social media accounts *Indicators of physical and/or sexual abuse

Supporting Children & Families

We provide support to children and their families affected by child abuse, offering support and resources to help them navigate through difficult times. Our goal is to create a safe environment for children to thrive.

Empowering Communities

We empower communities to take a stand against child abuse by providing information, hosting events, and attending events that promote awareness and action. Together, we can create a world where every child is safe and protected.

Learning and Training Resources:

Free on line course: Trauma Informed Care Supporting Children and Youth, provided by Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies

Prevent It! Workshops provided by Little Warriors​​

Resources for Parents, Teachers, Advisors, and Community   

This list is some of the resources available to help you report child abuse, obtain help and support, understand what abuse it, and how to support a child of abuse and yourself.

(Disclaimer: these are provided as a resource only and not affiliated with Defenders of the Children RC)

Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

Edmonton, Alberta

If you or your child are in immediate danger or need help right away, call 9-1-1 or your local police emergency number.

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There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see how we make a difference in childrens' lives, through fundraising, motorcycle rides, child events, and community events. Thank you for taking the time to browse through our pictures.

Disclosure: All individuals shown have provided permission to use their photo.

Huge Thank you to Memories by Snapshot for being our official Photographer for Defenders! 

In this Family, No one Fights Alone

In Memory of Chris "Wizard" Madore,
Dec 15, 1968 - October 22, 2024

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